Farewell from Kim

As I sit down to write this blog post, my heart is filled with a mix of bittersweet emotions. Over the past five years, I have had the privilege of being a part of the Raleigh Distance Project (RDP), where I formed lasting bonds and cherished connections with the most incredible women. Today, as I transition from ‘RDP athlete’ to ‘RDP’s biggest fan’, I reflect on the incredible journey and express my gratitude for the treasured memories.

Five years ago, I relocated from Greenville, SC to Chapel Hill, leaving behind many things including my running team, the Greenville Track Club. I thought my days of serious running were behind me, but quickly found myself drawn to the ladies of RDP. It didn’t take long till I was joining this squad of dedicated women and taking steps toward continuing my pursuit of running goals and dreams.

 Every day with RDP, we aimed to push our limits, overcome challenges, and achieve personal and collective success. We shared countless miles on the road, trails, and track, pushing each other to new heights. From grueling track workouts and early morning ATT long runs to intense races, we endured the sweat, struggles, and pain together. But it was in those moments that we found strength and witnessed our individual and collective strength.

 Running may be an individual sport, but the power of a supportive team cannot be understated. Through injuries, setbacks, and personal struggles, we were always there to lift each other up.

Whether it was offering encouraging words, providing a shoulder to lean on, or simply being there to celebrate the victories, the deep bonds extended far beyond the running world. We celebrated birthdays, babies, weddings, and life-changing milestones together. We shared laughter, tears, and our most vulnerable moments - we were a family that provided comfort and support in all aspects of life.

 The memories created over the past five years will forever hold a special place in my heart. The way-too-early morning workouts, the adrenaline-fueled races with epic cheer squads, the Steve-O-Spaghetti team dinners with thoughtful speeches—these moments are unique and special and unforgettable. I will always reflect on my time as an RDP athlete with a warm heart and comforting nostalgia.

As I transition from ‘RDP athlete’ to ‘RDP’s biggest fan’, I do so with a deep sense of gratitude. Thanks for being more than just teammates; thanks for being friends and family. The past five years have been an unforgettable chapter of my life, and I am forever grateful for the support, love, and friendship.