Oak City Recovery Run Club + RDP

Any elite athlete will tell you that you can’t have success in running without recovery, and any person struggling with addiction will tell you that you can’t run well if you aren’t on the road to recovery.

From that statement, one could conclude that recovery and running go hand in hand...Which makes the Raleigh Distance Project and Oak City Recovery Run Club a perfect match.

Tuesday nights at Healing Transitions for The Raleigh Distance Project has become a tradition in our weekly mileage and our social calendar. The 5, 3 and 1 mile routes stay the same, but the conversations and interactions are unique each time. Although our life paths have taken us in different directions prior to that Tuesday evening group selfie, we find ourselves together; putting in miles and discovering inspiration and enlightenment through our fellowship.


As elite athletes, having the opportunity to encourage the running lifestyle upon an unexpected audience is one we would never want to waste. We are excited to be a part of the nurturing environment the Oak City Recovery Run Club has created for individuals recovering from alcohol and substance abuse. We get to be a part of the process of growing their love for the sport and more importantly, finding a healthy outlet for them to find comfort and consistency. As we offer our friends at Healing Transitions tips on running, stories from our everyday lives, and support for their future running endeavors, our goal is to be positive influences they can trust. We look forward to seeing them each week, as they work towards kicking their old habits to the curb, and exchanging them for kicking in the final stretch of their runs.

Come see what the Oak City Recovery Run Club is all about on February 13th! Join us for a block party celebrating the group and fundraising for Together We Can, a nonprofit 501(c)3 dedicated to aiding those in need. Donate here to keep them running strong!
