Thank You.

With Thanksgiving behind us and the holidays ahead, we want to take some time to thank everyone who has helped us become what we are today.


We started out as a group of determined women who all had dreams of running and competing at the highest level. After a compilation of hours working with each other and reaching out to companies and organizations, we are proud to represent each individual and company who believes in us!

First, we are thankful for each other. It’s rare that a group of people can come together and become successful business partners, teammates, and good friends right away. We are thankful that each and every one of us has, in our own way, given our all to the Raleigh Distance Project.


We are thankful for new friends, old friends, and family who have helped support us in our journey. We have made so many new friends through RDP and the Raleigh running community, and we also value the support from our family members and friends who have encouraged us along the way. We know that community support is one of the most valuable manifestations of the development of RDP, and we know that this network will only continue to grow. From Cup-A-Joe morning runs, to Oiselle’s Big Bird Camp, to normal saturday workouts on the American Tobacco Trail, the relationships we have made along the way are priceless.

We want to thank our coaches and support staff for being our foundation and the behind-the-scenes reason for most of our success. Steve, Phil, and Angela are tenacious and diligent coaches who see our athletic potential. Jason and TJ provide their artistics gifts of photography in order to capture our successes and failures from many angles. Our Board of Directors are diligent to take time out of their busy lives to make and back important decisions for the future of our team.


And last but not least, we thank our sponsors for providing us with the building blocks of a successful organization. Without our sponsors backing us, we would be without the essential resources that are required for training and developing the running community. Specifically, thank you to:

Oiselle for outfitting us in the most technical, beautiful, and high performance running  gear while also providing a support network of badass women and endless resources that can’t be quantified.

Tribucha for believing in us from the start and providing us with delicious probiotics and monetary support.

New Balance Triangle for providing us with shoes--which are obviously essentials when logging weekly miles in the triple digits.

The Virginia 10 Miler for allowing us to be ambassadors for your race and creating the race where RDP officially originated.

Elliptigo for helping us cross train and recover after those grueling races and workouts.

O2 Fitness for helping us get swole...and providing us with great resources and lots of space to become better athletes.

The Bone and Joint for keeping us healthy and helping us heal.

Run Raleigh PT for being here for us through thick and thin, through injury, health and early prevention.

UCAN for providing us with sustainable energy on our longest runs.

Big Spoon Roasters for offering us the best tasting nut butter in the world, (we know this for a fact!).

Nog Run Club for allowing us to comonder trivia night and be a part of OctoberFest.

Clockwork Race Timing for providing for us while making sure timing stays legit in NC.

The Other Woman for being a local representation of what can happen when bad-ass women take entrepreneurial initiative.

Lock Laces for keeping our shoes on our feet when we are running lightning fast.

Stance Socks for keeping our feet pretty and less sweaty.

So THANK YOU. Thank you to everyone who has believed in us and made this dream reality. We are thankful and gracious beyond words.  

-The Raleigh Distance Project

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